.model small
num1 db 0ah
num2 db 0Fh
ans db ?
carry db ?
mov ax , @data ; Copying the address of the data to AX.
mov ds , ax
mov ax , 0000h
mov al , num1 ; Copies Num1 to AL.
mov bl , num2
sub al , bl ;Subtracts BL fron AL.
mov ah , 00h
mov ans,al
lahf ;Loads all the flags to AH.
AND ah,01h
mov carry , ah
mov ax , 4c00h
int 21h
end start
;DS:0000 0A(NUM1)
;DS:0000 0F(NUM2)
;ds:00008 0FA(ans)
;ds:00008 01 (ans)
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